What Does an Event Organiser Do? Avoid These Common Pitfalls

how to be a good event organiser

Common Oversights by Event Organiser: What You Need to Know Event planning can seem like a juggling act, with countless details to manage and decisions to make. Sometimes, even the most experienced event organiser can overlook critical aspects that can make or break an event. Whether you’re planning your first event or you’re a seasoned […]

Event Registration Queue Management: Past & Present

long queuing process

Understanding Event Registration Queue Management: Then & Now Event registration queue management is all about effectively managing the flow of participants during the registration process. It’s essential to guarantee a seamless, trouble-free experience for hosts and visitors alike. This procedure used to be very labour-intensive and manual; but with the introduction of sophisticated event planning […]

How To Always Have Something Interesting To Say In Conversation

always have something to say

How many of you get tongue-tied when it is most crucial? Holding a good and engaging conversation is not easy. Conversation is one of the ways we use to communicate. We are most afraid when there is a lull in the conversation. We start to panic and wonder if people find us uninteresting. Here are some dos’ and don’ts of a great conversationalist.

First of all, why are we talking about conversation in an event management solution site? Well, don’t you know that when you have less stress on your mind you are better focused?! We all need conversation in every aspect of our lives. If you are in event management, the more you will need this skill. Get yourself a good event management system to help with the task of looking after all the event activities. As long as you have a mobile hand held unit, you are good to go. Use it to keep track of everything from a checklist to creating a survey report at the end of your event. Nothing could be simpler and more organized!

Why Eye Contact Is Important During Conversation?

Importance of Eye Contact In Communication The old saying that “eyes are a reflection of your inner self” holds true in most cases. There are a lot of meanings to eye contact. It can be a glaring look when a person is defiant or angry. A stare when we see something unusual about the person […]

5 Simple yet Forgotten Things to Do After an Event

After months of planning your event and pouring your energy and time to it, it’s finally over. You can catch your breath and take the much-needed rest you’ve been dreaming of. But wait, not so fast Mojo Jojo! The post-event is as important as the pre-event. So here are the five things you need to […]

RSVP Registration Malaysia: How to Use Technology in Events & Stay Ahead – Evenesis Blog

How do we use Technology in Events? Technology plays a very significant role in our lives as various gadgets and gizmos have made many of our routine boring, difficult, and tedious tasks easier to perform. Event management is a growing industry everywhere in the world, especially event RSVP registration Malaysia. In Malaysia, 42 association meetings/events […]

5 Things Organisers Overlook When Organising an Event

With experiential marketing and influencer marketing tactics becoming increasingly popular, more and more brands are turning their attention to putting on attention-commanding events that will get people talking. Giving an event a unique twist and encouraging attendees to spread the word could quickly transform a lesser-known brand into one of the leading names in the […]

Online Event Planning System: Top 8 Skills to Succeed as an Event Planner

A Step-by-Step Handbook to Successful Online Event Planning What is online event planning? Online event planning is the process of conceptualising and realising a virtual event, which includes meetings, exhibitions, conferences, conventions and tradeshows. Yet, we can define “online event planning” in two ways; first, the process of planning an online (or virtual) event and […]

How to Find the Perfect Sponsor for Your Event

Find Your Perfect Sponsor Now

Find Your Perfect Sponsor Now Whether you’re organizing a big international meeting, a fundraising event for your NGO or a startup party, finding a sponsor is one of the top promotional activities you have to consider while planning your event. Sponsors can help you reducing the overall costs of the event, increasing the number of attendees […]

Event Technology Trends for Exhibition and Trade Show


How much do you know about event technology? We all know that engagement plays a vital role in being a buzzword when we talk about marketing strategies in exhibitions and trade shows. For people who plan these events and use software such as an event planning software or event registration software, making their strategies compelling […]

10 Commandments of Corporate Event Planning – Evenesis Blog

corporate event planning

Those who have extensive experience with the world of corporate event planning know just how much it takes to organize and execute a great event. We took it upon ourselves to distil this knowledge into 10 commandments that every event planner must follow. Make no mistake, these are much more than tips or well-meant advice; […]

Event Technology: Threat or Support for Event Planners

home banne

Event technology progresses at such a high speed that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant influx of new solutions and gadgets. They may even start to feel like a threat that could disrupt the current way of doing business and lead to customer migration. We believe that this line of thinking is unproductive, […]