How to Find the Perfect Sponsor for Your Event

Find Your Perfect Sponsor Now Whether you’re organizing a big international meeting, a fundraising event for your NGO or a startup party, finding a sponsor is one of the top promotional activities you have to consider while planning your event. Sponsors can help you reducing the overall costs of the event, increasing the number of attendees […]
Event Management: Guide for Inbound Marketing Campaign

Even though the concept of inbound marketing is fairly simple – offer high-quality content that draws the attention of prospects and turn them into customers – many attempts at its execution fail short in one way or another. Why? Because marketers find themselves lost in the sea of overly complicated strategies, obscure tips, and blatant […]
How to Measure Event Effectiveness

The importance of events as an integral part of a marketing campaign is hard to deny: they can drive leads for sales, help you establish professional partnerships and create a personal connection with audiences and clients. The difficult part is justifying the associated expenses and measuring the event effectiveness. It is paramount to come up […]
8 Trends for Event Marketing in 2016

8 Trends for Event Marketing in 2016 There is only 2 months left in 2015. How is your business going so far? According to Event Farm, here are 8 trends for event marketing in 2016 you don’t want to miss. 1. The word“experience” is starting to replace “event” The word “experience” was mentioned more and more frequently. […]
Personifying Brand via Event

Personifying Brand via Event Seth Godin says the best way to do marketing these days is through creating your own crowd. Like-minded people will normally attach to one another simply because they share some degree of common elements. In a nutshell, Seth Godin is saying that if you want to market your stuffs, you must […]