Evenesis Updates

Evolving From Expertise, Moving Towards Excellence

Published on: January 6, 2012

As the old cliché goes, “actions speak louder than words”. Evenesis acted upon a need to make event management a more organized, efficient, automated, simple, and enjoyable task. A brainchild of a couple of technopreneurs headed by Yusno Yunos of Y Us Sdn. Bhd, Evenesis was built from the solid vision of using digital computer technology in making event task management an easier and more rewarding experience.

And as they say, good news, and in this case, a word on great service, spreads like wildfire. Evenesis’ expertise must have caught the attention of the NEF-Awani ICT Awards, a prestigious “awards concept introduced to give recognition to deserving companies via an integrated media platform”. To date, Evenesis is one of the Top 3 finalists for the BEST SOFTWARE and BEST STARTUP COMPANY categories in the NEF-Awani ICT Awards 2011.

So what does it take to be recognized in these categories?

According to the NEF-Awani ICT Awards, a software is deemed eligible for the category Best Software Product for exhibiting the qualities of a “holistic impact Software Product. Holistic in terms of its innovativeness, revenue, impact to market, and quality.”

In the Best Start-Up Company category, a company should be “less than 3 years old (Date of incorporation not earlier than 1 November 2008) but has sown potential in terms of its development, either via recognition, potential clients, or even revenue.”

Evenesis is honored and grateful to have its name and reputation associated with these marks of excellence such as innovatiness, market impact, quality and development. By continuously honing its expertise in software development and enriching the efficiency of event task management, recognition such as these is like icing on a cake. Each step we take in the name of technological innovation and good service, is made sweeter and more meaningful.

Award giving bodies such as the NEF and Astro Awani would like to hear your voice, you, our customers. Thus, an online Facebook voting facility has been set-up for you and you can only one time vote for only 1 out of 2 category listed belowe.

Vote for Evenesis in the Best Software category and Y Us Sdn Bhd in the Best Startup Company category by clicking the link below to go NEF-Awani ICT Awards 2011 Facebook Voting Page:

Voting can be done one time per Facebook account for more than one category. Simply tick or choose Evenesis AND Y Us Sdn Bhd and click ‘Submit’ at the bottom of the page.

NEF-AWANI ICT Awards 2011 Facebook Voting Page

Voting ends on 25th Jan 2012 and the results will be announced during the NEF-AWANI ICT Awards 2011 Gala Dinner in PWTC on the 11th Feb.

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