Virtual event

What should best virtual event platforms entail?

Published on: March 19, 2023

For event planners running virtual events and hybrid events is not an easy task post-pandemic. More familiar with live events, transitioning to virtual platforms can be challenging. Without help from the best virtual event platforms, event planning will not be as you had imagined. Let us understand how you can improve your event experience and with the right event planning platform which is expanding its technology to make users comfortable with the new platforms.

Running an event especially a virtual event requires a great deal of planning to ensure that the event experience is no less than the in-person event, that people enjoyed before the pandemic. Before you start planning for your event it is good to run through extensive skill sets that are required for hosting planned virtual events.

Filming and broadcasting to scripts writing and moderating the event, continuous involvement with technology in its latest form is what event hosts will have to master before being attached with virtual event platforms.

However, some of the best virtual event platforms have made dynamic changes and their software to enable non-technical users to find the right solution without going too deep into the technical know-how.

How will you determine that the event platform you are selecting provides these opportunities while maintaining the key aspects that you expect from the virtual event platform?

A dynamic event planning platform

The platform that you are planning to select for your virtual event, should be able to balance all three events, virtual events, hybrid events and in-person events, equally. In pandemic times, with hybrid events becoming a possibility, your virtual event planning platform should be able to handle the demands of both in-person and hybrid events at the same time. Supporting virtual event demands like centralized data platform, the event should ensure successful future event planning.

One source event management

Your event planning platform should be able to take care of all the responsibilities of event management from invitations, registrations, payment, listing out agendas etc from the same system. The system of data maintenance allows an event planner insight into the responses and estimation of the investment and return. Such a tool that manages everything from one point is a highly reliable source for an event planner.

User responsive

The virtual event platform extends its use to not just the planner, but all the attendees, the speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors taking part in the event online. It is the technological venue for all participants of the event. Ensuring simplicity and user accommodation from a friendly interface, you want all your attendees to adapt to an event experience that would not consume too much of their time. Keeping people engaged without demanding the time or engaging them in tedious form filling or other such exercises that demotivate them from being a part of the event. The event platform must offer ease of use for every participant.

Customize to fit your need

Customizing involves a lot of other requirements but the top among them would be branding. Integrating the brand of the organization will communicate consistently who the event is from. In the virtual event platform, this is highly desirable. Branding websites, registration forms, emails, social media posts, and any virtual environment should add value to the brand. It also increases and synergizes the attendee experience.

On-demand live content from the platform

The event platform should be able to stream both pre-recorded and live content for a better user experience. Everything from keynotes to workshops, panel discussions to debates should have the scope of being watched later for those attendees who may have missed the live session. Also providing the ease of interactivity between sessions through the means of Q&A or live polls should be a feature that the virtual event platform must offer. The virtual event platform should also have tools to edit and refine recorded presentations eliminating the redundant areas before uploading on different social media sites. The pre-recorded content should have the facility of broadcasting both videos and playback, on keynotes and the main points for those who are only interested in listening to the sessions.

What should you select?

Apart from these mandatory features, the platform should be able to accommodate audience engagement tools, support seamless connectivity and networking, engage with sponsors and exhibitors, offer explicit analysis of the event for future reference. It is not just event planning but also marketing. To find all these features and more, capsuled in the most comprehensive event platform, choose the virtual event platform Evenesis. Visit for extensive understanding. 

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