We know your event landing page is the primary channel to communicate with your clients, as well as your most important marketing tool. To help you impress your guests and get them excited to register for your event, this article looks at 3 steps for you to make a visually-appealing event page with Evenesis

1. Upload a logo or banner
Add a logo in the “Event Logo/Banner” section on the Microsite Maintenance page while you are creating your event site.

2. Write and design your event page

A polished event page starts with well-written event details. Give your audience a clear and informative idea what your event is all about, how makes it different and why they should register for it. To make your event page stand out, you are able to create tables, upload images, design visual-appealing background, etc. in HTML.

3. Create your event ticket

Select the ticket type or customize your own ticket name by choosing “Others”. Set the limitation of purchasing date and amount, and the ticket price. Next, add a ticket promo code for your ticket if you need. Finally, set up your payment gateway to collect ticket sales. Evenesis supports IPay 88 and PayPal. (*You are able to add new tickets and promo codes as many as you want and change all the settings as long as you want.)

*Evenesis – the most powerful event registration & management platform for all your event needs. Click to request a free trial or call us at +603 8992 3132 now.

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