Evenesis is a stress-free and affordable cloud-based system for events. You too can sell these awesome product (Evenesis) as a member of our Evenesis Reseller Program (ERP). This program is for our subscribers who are interested to find your extra income by sharing about the SME Cloud Computing Adoption Programme, courtesy of Multimedia Development Corp (MDeC) and we’ll reward you handsomely. This program is very flexible and we provide as much benefit as you may need by becoming our Reseller*. Simply sign up and start selling!

This are the three (3) awesome packages that you may want to give a try!

*RM 1000 : The reimbursement is up to RM 750. The additional cost would be only RM 250

Marketing Assistance

1)      The first 20 flyers are subsidized by Y Us Sdn Bhd for the Reseller

2)      The subsequent flyer is charged RM 0.10 per piece

3)      Buntings are available for rental RM 50 deposit each

4)     If the Reseller is doing event for Evenesis Platinum Package’s prospects and minimum attendance is fifteen (15) people, Y Us Sdn Bhd will send one (1) representative to present and demonstrate the Evenesis Platinum Package for FREE. Notice of event must be given in five (5) working days before prior to the event

5)      For every Evenesis related event, we will invite the Reseller* to join

6)      For every Registered Reseller , Y Us Sdn Bhd will give them one (1) collar Evenesis T-Shirt


Compensation Reseller

1. Reseller must maintain of sales minimum of 1 package, either from SMS Blaster, EMAIL Blaster or HYBRID Blaster a month to maintain its resellership.

2. The commission fee is RM 50 for every completed sale of SMS Blaster or Email Blaster. Completed sale is defined as Y Us Sdn. Bhd. (888895-V) received the full payment RM 750 (ringgit Malaysia seven hundred fifty) from the buyer brought by the Reseller. The payment must be made in cheque or money order or banker’s cheque paid to Y Us Sdn. Bhd.

3. The commission fee is RM 150 for every completed sale of SME Hybrid. Completed sale is defined as Y Us Sdn. Bhd. (888895-V) received the full payment RM 750 (ringgit Malaysiaseven hundred fifty) from the buyer brought by the Reseller. The payment must be made in cheque or money order or banker’s cheque paid to Y Us Sdn. Bhd.

4. Y Us Sdn. Bhd. only deposits the commission fee from the actual sales made by the Reseller directly into the bank account number listed in this registration form on every 4th day of the following month.

The last accounted sales for that particular month must be submitted in full documentation by 30th day Y Us Sdn. Bhd. (888985-V), Office 2, Level 2, Resource Centre, Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur

[O] : 03 8992 3132 [Fax]: 03 8992 3050 [E] : contacus@evenesis.com of that particular month.

5. The Reseller is responsible to explain, demonstrate and share any relevant information about and Y Us Sdn. Bhd. in transparent manner with any prospect buyer. Any technical question arises from the prospect buyer must be directed to Y Us Sdn. Bhd. through the reseller via email.

6. Y Us Sdn. Bhd. does not guarantee any reimbursement from the sales completed for MSC Cloud Computing Incentive. MSC Cloud Computing Incentive is available on the first come, first serve basis.

7. However, Y Us Sdn. Bhd. will assist to submit only the completed documentation related to the sale of SMS Blaster package or EMAIL Blaster package or HYBRID Blaster package, should the buyer request to participate in the MSC Cloud Computing Incentive. The Reseller must take all the necessary step to remind the buyer that the sales amount of RM 750 will only be reimbursed after 6 weeks or more upon document submitted to MDeC.

*Reseller is defined as the Evenesis Subscriber who is participating in Evenesis Reseller Program (ERP) by signing up for ERP and following the terms and condition applied.

Our sales consultant will contact you immediately. Contact us 03 8992 3133 or email nasiha@evenesis.com should you have any question.

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